Author Archives: Dhanesh V

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About Dhanesh V

Dhanesh finds passion in reading and writing, either online or offline. And since he doesn't usually like to be too biographical, this block ends here.

Godspeed Google Reader: The End of an Era!

As I looked onto the task of writing ‘the first post’ for TechnoHash, it was actually not too tough for me to find the right one, with the all-time best feed-reading solution departing us on July 1, 2013.

Goodbye Google ReaderGoogle Reader had been the favorite feed reader for many, including myself, serving as a professional solution with a nifty toolset and a clean interface. In an official blog post about 3 months ago, Google announced that it would be retiring Google Reader on July 1, 2013. The announcement created a havoc as ardent fans of the service were left in a paradoxical dilemma.

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